Organisation ID: 4050067007

Positive Behaviour Support Across Brisbane And The Gold Coast

What is Positive Behaviour Support?

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) utilises a person-centric approach to support individuals with unclear or challenging behaviours under the NDIS. This is achieved by our Behaviour Support Practitioners (BSPs) through idenitfying and analysing behaviours of concern to create effective strategies and plans to ensure a person’s needs are being appropriately met, reduce restrictive practices and improve a person’s overall quality of life.

Contact us today and embark on your journey towards a healthier and happier state of mind.

Our Practitioners

Dani Padfield

Psychologist – Beenleigh

Max Holland

Psychologist – Beenleigh & Robina

Monika Stelmasiak

Psychologist – Beenleigh

Interim Positive Behaviour Support Plan

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Comprehensive PBSP

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus mollis sagittis fringilla. Integer dapibus varius risus, a porttitor mauris pellentesque vitae. Nullam vel hendrerit augue. Fusce a erat elit. Proin venenatis porttitor nulla, in porttitor purus auctor quis. Ut eu lorem aliquam, commodo quam quis, vehicula arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Functional Behaivour Analysis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus mollis sagittis fringilla. Integer dapibus varius risus, a porttitor mauris pellentesque vitae. Nullam vel hendrerit augue. Fusce a erat elit. Proin venenatis porttitor nulla, in porttitor purus auctor quis. Ut eu lorem aliquam, commodo quam quis, vehicula arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Safety Protocol

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus mollis sagittis fringilla. Integer dapibus varius risus, a porttitor mauris pellentesque vitae. Nullam vel hendrerit augue. Fusce a erat elit. Proin venenatis porttitor nulla, in porttitor purus auctor quis. Ut eu lorem aliquam, commodo quam quis, vehicula arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Provide specifically tailored Resources and Training

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus mollis sagittis fringilla. Integer dapibus varius risus, a porttitor mauris pellentesque vitae. Nullam vel hendrerit augue. Fusce a erat elit. Proin venenatis porttitor nulla, in porttitor purus auctor quis. Ut eu lorem aliquam, commodo quam quis, vehicula arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Letter of Recommendation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus mollis sagittis fringilla. Integer dapibus varius risus, a porttitor mauris pellentesque vitae. Nullam vel hendrerit augue. Fusce a erat elit. Proin venenatis porttitor nulla, in porttitor purus auctor quis. Ut eu lorem aliquam, commodo quam quis, vehicula arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

We’re Here for You

If you have any questions contact our team today – whether that be about psychology, counselling, NDIS, or supervision, we are here.

Frequently Asked Questions

The process to accessing psychology can be a confusing one!
Got a question? We’re here to help.

The duration of a therapy or counselling session can vary depending on your needs and the service being accessed.

Typically sessions with our psychologists/counsellors are 50 minutes long, whilst play therapy sessions are capped at 45 minutes.

If you are undergoing an assessment or requiring a report it is important to note that the session time will vary depending on the testing being undergone and the amount of information providing prior to the initial consult.

The duration of therapy varies depending on individual needs and goals. Some people may benefit from short-term counselling, while others may engage in longer-term therapy.

In the initial sessions with your psychologist, you will develop a plan as to what you want to work towards and create goals and timelines. These things can shift as therapy progresses.

Some issues may only require brief interventions while others may be more complex and require more time.

When you first arrive, our friendly receptionist will greet you and give you some initial paperwork to go through. This includes an intake form, consent form, any initial assessment tools and other important details regarding the session.

Initially, you and your psychologist will discuss why you have sought treatment, your concerns, personal circumstance, challenges and what you are wanting to get from therapy.

You may be experiencing some feelings of overwhelm or uncertainty of what to discuss, but our psychologists are very experienced and know what questions to ask, they are always willing to meet you where you’re at.

Yes, we offer telehealth sessions for clients who prefer remote sessions. This option allows for greater flexibility and accessibility

We use a reliable and secure telehealth platform and set this up very easily if preferred, inclusive of initial appointments. Let us know if you cannot attend in person and we will arrange a telehealth session for you.

No, you do not need a referral to see a Registered or Provisional Psychologist.

However, you will only be eligible for a Medicare Rebate if you have obtained a GP referral (known as a Mental Health Care Plan) and are seeing a Registered Psychologist

Our Provisional Psychologists do not offer any rebates so we charge a reduced fee of $130 per session.

Yes, therapy is confidential, and your privacy is protected. However, there are some legal and ethical exceptions to confidentiality, which your therapist will explain.

We understand that confidentiality and privacy can be a concern. Any information you supply to use either through reports, directly in session or email are stored appropriately and safely. Our Psychologists are required to adhere to a number of policies, rules and guidelines that protect the personal information of our clients and family members.

The information we collect includes but is not limited to any case notes, records, test results, communication, or reports. We will obtain consent from you if we are seeking to disclose information to relevant third parties (i.e. lawyers, GPs, specialists)

Psychologists focus on talk therapy and counselling, while psychiatrists can prescribe medication in addition to therapy.

Absolutely, therapy can be highly effective for children and adolescents. Young individuals often face unique emotional and developmental challenges, and therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for them to express their feelings and work through various issues. In particular, play therapy, a specialised form of therapy for children, can be particularly effective. Play therapy uses play and creative activities to help children communicate, explore their emotions, and develop coping skills. It can address a wide range of concerns, including behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, trauma, and more. Our skilled therapists are experienced in working with young clients, tailoring their approach to meet the specific needs of children and adolescents, ultimately promoting their emotional well-being and personal growth.